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PhD Transition Report Podcast

Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

The premier podcast by industry PhDs. With thousands of monthly listeners, the Cheeky Scientist PhD Job Search Report podcast is dedicated to helping PhDs transition into their first or next industry position. Every episode provides leading edge insights on how PhDs can avoid career failure and job search rejections, and instead attract hiring managers and recruiters to get hired into top industry jobs. Recent shows cover industry resumes, LinkedIn profiles, creating a job search strategy, identifying surging career tracks and avoiding dead end career tracks, successfully preparing for and passing phone screens, video interviews and site visits, and much more. This show features top industry PhDs in 50+ different industry positions. Subscribe now and listen.


Crafting Better Resume Bullet Points

Friday January 21, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why resume bullet points are important for PhDs to get hired in high-paying industry roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses what mistakes PhDs commit while crafting bullet points in their resume Next, Isaiah reveals why PhDs need to craft better resume bullet points to be hired into the industryFinally, Isaiah explains what recruiters want to see in PhD resumes From This Week’s Show…  What Mistakes PhDs Commit While Crafting Resume Bullet Points Your resume is your marketing document. The most challenging part of putting the resume together is carefully crafting the bullet points. Think about the last resume or academic CV you created. What did you write for the bullet points? Was any research involved? You either found a job posting you liked or merely thought about a job title you liked and started crafting bullet points.   Points that you assumed would sound impressive for that job based on your past experience. Focused on the complex technical skills you learned in academia. Emphasized the number of years of experience you had in your PhD field or other academic field. Didn’t talk to a company who was actually hiring for the…

What Would It Be Like to Work Next To You For 8 Hours?

Wednesday January 19, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why the 8 hours that people work next to PhDs is important and how can PhDs put their best qualities forward  Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why it is important for PhDs to have a pleasing personalityNext, Isaiah reveals how can PhDs put their best qualities forward Finally, Isaiah explains why your professional brand will follow you throughout the entire job search process  From This Week’s Show…  Why Is It Important For PhDs To Have Pleasing Personality If the number one reason employers aren’t hiring you right now is invisibility, or obscurity. Then ignorance of likability, personality and your own professional brand is the second reason. Likability doesn’t mean winning a popularity contest. Not meaning trying to be nicer, funnier, or more agreeable. The truth is that some people hate all of those qualities, while others value them. Employers want to know if others can work around you for 8 hours. Are you likeable? The problem with likability – everybody likes something different. This also changes depending on their mood. It doesn’t mean you have to change your personality. Rather it means that you have to put the best…

3 Flavors Of Transferable Skills

Monday January 17, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains the 3 flavors of transferable skills that PhDs must communicate to get hired in high-paying industry  roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why it is important for PhDs to set specific target Next, Isaiah reveals what are some system-oriented skillsFinally, Isaiah explains what are people-oriented skills that PhDs can leverage  From This Week’s Show…  Why PhDs Must Know The 3 Flavors Of  Transferable Skills There are 3 main flavors of transferable skills. Systems-oriented, people-oriented, or self-oriented skills. PhDs must communicate two to three skills from each of these categories. List them on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Be ready to discuss them during the interview process. Connect these skills with experience. Communicate how these transferable skills have helped you achieve relevant results in the past. And how they will help you perform better than other candidates at the job at hand. Your previous academic experience and even life experience is proof that you are an expert in at least one subject or discipline.  The key is phrasing the skills in a universal way.  If you helped manage your lab’s budget. List “financial acumen” as one of your job skills. Ensured…

Employers Aren’t Hiring Your Technical Skills

Friday January 14, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why employers are not hiring based on technical skills and how can PhDs communicate their value to the employers  Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why employers look beyond technical skillsNext, Isaiah reveals what are the transferable skillsFinally, Isaiah explains how PhDs can communicate their skills to the employers From This Week’s Show…  Why Employers Are Looking Beyond Your Technical Skills PhDs love their technical skills. When I landed one of my first industry jobs, I thought I was adding value to my team by talking about technical skills. Things like “statistical significance”, “reproducibility” and a hundred other academically minded concepts. This language was awkward and irrelevant for the position I was just hired into. My recruiters and colleagues thought, “What is he talking about? Is he trying to teach us a basics stats class right now? We’re not an academic lab functioning on $50,000 a month. Rather we’re a 100 million dollar plus a year company.  Companies need you to focus on bigger, more business-minded concepts. Like integrating your efforts within their Agile project management system, gaining awareness of their brand. Or helping them develop some new conference collateral,…

The Attention-Driven Job Market

Wednesday January 12, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why attention of the employer is necessary for PhDs to get hired in high-paying industry roles  Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why it is important for PhDs to understand employer attentionNext, Isaiah reveals what PhDs can do to grab this attentionFinally, Isaiah explains how can attention help PhDs to be hired in well paying roles From This Week’s Show…  Why Must PhDs Know About Employer’s Attention  PhDs must have the attention of the employer. What happens if you stop pursuing attention in your industry job search at any time? Then whatever attention you have gained will quickly leave you for another job candidate. Consider the position of the hiring manager or recruiter whose attention you are trying to command. A hiring manager wanting to hire a PhD for a position at the company would want the job to be easy. Considering that at times recruiters are trying to hire job candidates for 12 different positions. On top of this, the need to hire could be urgent.  This is the state at which you will meet most hiring managers and recruiters. Also consider the fact that the vast majority of hiring…

The Real Reason Employers Aren’t Hiring You

Monday January 10, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains the real reason why employers are not hiring PhDs and how can PhDs get hired in high-paying industry  roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses what is the real reason employers are not hiring you Next, Isaiah reveals what tools PhDs have at their disposal to get employer’s attentionFinally, Isaiah explains how can PhDs overcome invisibility to be hired in well paying roles From This Week’s Show…  What Is The Real Reason Employers Are Not Hiring You Employers can only hire you if you are visible to them. The number one reason employers are not hiring you in industry is because you are invisible to them. This is an attention economy. As a PhD who has spent their entire life in academia, you are attention poor. Your job candidate profile is not adept. Resume is being ignored due to obscurity, not a lack of technical skills.  Technical skills are not what gets you hired. Most companies care very little about technical skills. They can teach you technical skills. You can learn on the job. Besides, their techniques are likely proprietary. Lightyears ahead of the underfunded techniques PhDs master in academia.  Companies…

What Career Are You Chasing?

Friday January 7, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why PhDs must know what career they are chasing and follow strategy to get hired in high-paying industry roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why it is important for PhDs to know what they are chasingNext, Isaiah reveals why PhDs must ask the right questionsFinally, Isaiah explains why professional lifestyle of choice is important for PhDs From This Week’s Show…  Why Is It Important For PhDs To Know What Career They Are Chasing Chasing a career?Ask yourself. What is important to you in life? What are you chasing? And why? Can’t answer these questions? You’re in trouble because without these answers you have no idea what you’re doing or why you’re doing it. Everyone is chasing happiness of some kind.  The problem is it’s not defined. Define what happiness means for you. Or what will bring happiness in your life. Happiness is just a feeling. That makes figuring out what will make you happy right now incredibly simple. Figure out which actions will give you the feeling you’re chasing the most frequently. Put this in the context of your career. Which activities do you want to spend most of your time…

You Can’t Hit A Target You Don’t Set

Thursday January 6, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why PhDs must set a target career and follow strategy to get hired in high-paying industry roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why it is important for PhDs to set specific target Next, Isaiah reveals why chasing job titles will not PhDs hired into the industryFinally, Isaiah explains why professional profile is important for PhDs From This Week’s Show…  Why Is It Important For PhDs To Have Specific Target Industry job titles are a lot different than those in academia. There are several job titles. But you must decide what you want your professional lifestyle to look like first. Understand what you want. Set your career goals. Only then start fitting job titles to it. Choose the right career based on what would give you a sense of fulfillment. Do you know which career is right for you? Probably not. Most PhDs never set professional goals. They don’t set a target. They just fall forward into whatever position happens to come next. Without a target they get into any position. Only a few PhDs start searching for a job outside of academia. They do the research necessary to start understanding the industry…

Your Job Candidate Profile

Monday January 3, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why job candidate profile is important for PhDs to communicate their value to the industry employers and get hired in high-paying industry roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why it is important for PhDs to have a strong job candidate profileNext, Isaiah reveals how PhDs should manage job candidate profileFinally, Isaiah explains why a professional profile is important for PhDs From This Week’s Show…  Why Is It Important For PhDs To Have Strong Job Candidate Profile Many PhDs want to transition out of academia. To get hired in the industry, you need to craft your professional profile carefully and correctly. Your job candidate profile should communicate your PhD worth in the language of the industry. PhDs acquire many skills. Highlight the as the right keywords. Your professional profile includes your industry resume and your LinkedIn profile.  These give the recruiter a comprehensive idea about your expertise and skills with respect to the job at hand. You can expand your profile to include other documents and other social media profiles. However, the most searched ones are resume and LinkedIn profiles.  Spend very little time during your job search on your professional…

Creating A Job Search Strategy

Monday December 27, 2021

Join Isaiah as he explains why a job search strategy needs to be created by PhDs to be hired in high-paying industry roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why should  PhDs create a job search strategyNext, Isaiah reveals how PhDs can create a successful job search strategy Finally, Isaiah explains what PhDs should do after creating a job search strategy From This Week’s Show…  Why Should PhDs Create A Job Search Strategy What does it take to get hired into rewarding industry careers? What must PhDs do to get hired into a fulfilling PhD level job? These questions are essential. PhDs think about getting hired without any actual execution. This leads to a sense of failure, rejection and frustration. PhDs need a PhD level job. A job where you can do meaningful work. Industry job search needs a campaign. It has to be executed in the correct sequence. Start with understanding your career options. Then create a job search strategy for those options. An effective strategy needs the correct sequence. Don’t haphazardly execute different job search related activities at different times. Rather be organized and in order. How PhDs Can Create A Successful Job Search…

PhDs Are Doctors Of Learning

Wednesday December 22, 2021

Join Isaiah as he explains why PhDs are doctors of learning and how should PhDs leverage their skills to be hired in high-paying industry roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why PhDs are masters of learningNext, Isaiah reveals why PhDs  must communicate their ability to learn to employersFinally, Isaiah explains where can PhDs leverage their learning skill From This Week’s Show… Why PhDs Are Doctors Of Learning PhDs are masters of learning. There is a huge difference between leaving graduate school with a Masters degree rather than a PhD. Masters degree are those who have mastered a field. PhD is much more. PhDs contribute to the field. They advance the field further. Less than 2% of the population has a PhD. Because adding to a field is hard. Anyone can regurgitate information. However, it’s much harder to create information.  It is difficult to bring new knowledge into existence for the very first time. But PhDs have done it. You are a creator of information. This is one of your most valuable and most transferable skills. Don’t assume that everyone can create information. Most job candidates can’t even do a book report. You spend years creating information. Months…

Understanding The Industry Hiring Funnel

Monday December 20, 2021

Join Isaiah as he reveals how understanding the industry hiring funnel can help PhDs get hired in high paying industry jobs Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why some PhDs fail to get hired in the industryNext, Isaiah reveals what PhDs fail to see in the industry hiring processFinally, Isaiah describes how understanding the industry hiring funnel can be leveraged to get hired in high paying positions From This Week’s Show…  Why Some PhDs Fail To Get Hired In The Industry PhD job search is not easy. Understanding the expectations is crucial. Many PhD-level job candidates fail to get hired in industry. Just  because they incorrectly align their efforts with what the hiring funnel looks like from an employer’s perspective. The hiring funnel is the company’s increasingly stringent workflow. This is the selection process  that job candidates go through on their way to being hired.  On an average, companies receive about 250 resumes per day. Larger companies receive more than that. But out of those resumes only 12 to 15 of the job candidates will be invited for the phone screen interview. Companies stop reading resumes after they’ve read 10% of them. An even  smaller…

How Academia Flipped Your Job Search Strategy Upside Down

Monday December 13, 2021

Join Isaiah as he shares how academia flips PhD job search strategy upside down and keeps them from top paying industry jobs Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why PhD students should focus on their job searchNext, Isaiah reveals how lack of specific goals that holds PhD students back in academiaFinally, Isaiah describes how academia flips PhD job search strategy upside down From This Week’s Show…  Why PhD Students Should Focus On Their Job Search As a PhD student, you may have several questions regarding your future. A major question is: How soon should I start my job search? An industry job search is maddening. The reason that this is so challenging is because there’s so much uncertainty. The path has not been laid out before. Academia is vague on this on purpose. We are never trained rigorously on how to do it in academia. Most PhDs are never, ever trained on how to execute a job search at all.  Knowing how to apply for a job is the limiting factor. It dictates how successful your industry job search and subsequent industry career will be. How successful your career is will be a major determinant in…

Why PhDs Are Valuable To Industry Employers

Monday November 29, 2021

Join Isaiah as he explains why PhDs are valuable in the industry and how PhDs can leverage their skills to be hired in high-paying industry  roles Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses why PhDs should transition out of academiaNext, Isaiah reveals the three much sought after skills Finally, Isaiah explains why PhDs are valuable for industry employers From This Week’s Show…  Why Is It Important For PhDs To Overcome Imposter Syndrome Many PhDs want to transition out of academia. They feel professionally unfulfilled in academic positions. Overworking in uninspiring roles is common. In academia PhDs are also underpaid. Marginal academic stipends or fellowships or wages. Numerous PhDs are unable to find any meaning or joy in their academic careers. This negatively impacts both their professional and personal lives.  Information and strategy are key for transition. A major obstacle faced by PhDs is the lack of training on how to get a job outside of academia. You need to create a job search strategy and stick to it. Most PhDs have been in academia for the entirety of their professional careers. Therefore, learning the language of the industry becomes more crucial.   Another major issue is imposter syndrome.…

The Glaringly Obvious Reason You’re Not Getting Hired

Monday November 1, 2021

Join Isaiah as he reveals the reason PhDs are not getting hired and the powerful tools for PhDs to communicate their value to employers Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains the reason why PhDs need to communicate their value to the employers in the language of the industryNext, Isaiah reveals which skills are valued more by the employers while hiringFinally, Isaiah describes the powerful tools that PhDs can use to communicate their PhD value to the employers From This Week’s Show… Reason Why PhDs Have To communicate Their Value To Employers PhDs aspire to get into a career where they can have an impact. A job that requires a PhD. Where they are compensated fairly. But there can be several reasons why PhDs don’t get hired. The biggest obstacle to transition into industry is the way that PhDs approach the job search. The challenge is to transition into an industry career that provides a PhD level impact and compensates fairly.  It is all about communicating your PhD value to attract employers. How to reinvent your professional brand for industry using industry nomenclature? What makes your PhD and your experiences unique? Learn which job titles are…

Mega-Valuable LinkedIn Updates & 15 Example LinkedIn Headlines

Monday October 25, 2021

Join Isaiah as he reveals the LinkedIn updates & examples of LinkedIn headlines for PhDs to communicate their value to employers and get hired Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why PhDs need to learn strategies to update LinkedIn and communicate their value to employersNext, Isaiah reveals why PhDs should focus on SSI scoreFinally, Isaiah describes the mega-valuable LinkedIn updates to communicate your value to employers From This Week’s Show… Why PhDs Need To Learn Strategies For Updating LinkedIn PhDs have to communicate their value to the recruiters in a language best understood by them. Social media presence is important. How you create your social media brand contributes to your value. LinkedIn is one of the largest social media platforms used by employers for head hunting. Therefore, how well you use LinkedIn strategies to communicate your value to the recruiters. How can you create the maximum impact for the least amount of changes to your profile? Let’s say you’re just not getting results on LinkedIn. You have to make some LinkedIn updates within 24 hours. Change where it can create impact. Your LinkedIn headline is 80% of the strength of your profile in terms of key…

Genius Productivity Strategies PhDs Use To Make Their Job Search Painless

Monday October 18, 2021

Join Isaiah as he shares genius strategies that PhDs need to get hired into high-paying industry jobs where they can create an impact Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why PhDs need genius strategy to get hired into high-paying industry jobsNext, Isaiah reveals how to make an effort to do the uncomfortableFinally, Isaiah describes the genius strategies that make PhD job search painless From This Week’s Show…  Why PhDs Need Genius Strategies To Get Hired Into High-Paying Industry Jobs Strategies are important for success. Even the PhD Job search warrants genius strategies to cut the job search in half. You may think there’s no way to get hired faster. No way you can demystify the job search process any faster. Often PhDs feel at ease in taking a back seat in the next step of their career. Sinking into that comfortable analysis paralysis that a lot of us PhDs become too familiar with in academia. Thinking is great but action is necessary.  Playing scenarios in your head is not a strategy. You will not come any closer to the goal just by thinking. To get hired every PhD has to grow out of the mind…

How To Create An Inspiring Purpose For Your Life

Monday October 11, 2021

Join Isaiah as he reveals how to create purpose to stay strong during your PhD job search and get hired into high-paying industry careers Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why PhDs need to create a purpose to stay strong during their job search processNext, Isaiah reveals why reinventing the rationale is importantFinally, Isaiah describes how to create an inspiring purpose for your life From This Week’s Show… Why PhDs Need To Create A Purpose To Stay Strong During Their Job Search Process Purpose drives actions. What is your purpose as a PhD? How connected are you with your purpose? The rationale for why you do things is important. Purpose keeps you motivated even in uncertainties, when things get tough towards the end of your academic career. You may reach a point of disillusionment when you realize that you weren’t doing what you’re doing for the right reasons. You didn’t have a strong reason. Probably, you were chasing somebody else’s goal. Disillusionment as publications or the title of being a doctor, may deter you. PhDs reach a point in their academic career, where they have to reinvent their purpose. You find it for the first…

A Lean And Mean Guide To Getting Hired In Industry

Monday October 4, 2021

Join Isaiah he reveals the lean and mean guide for PhDs to get hired into rewarding positions in the industry where they can make an impact Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why PhDs need PhD level jobs to create impactNext, Isaiah reveals PhDs have to create a job campaign and follow protocolFinally, Isaiah describes the lean and mean guide for PhDs to getting hired in the industry  From This Week’s Show… Why PhDs Need A PhD Level Job A lean and mean guide is essential for PhDs to be hired into high paying industry careers. What does it take to get hired into rewarding industry careers? Questions are imperative. But PhDs have the wrong script playing in their head that just says, I want to get hired. This leads to a sense of failure, rejection and frustration. PhDs don’t need any job, rather they want a PhD level job. A PhD level job where you can do meaningful work, has an impact on humanity. PhDs have a sense of imposter syndrome. Unsure if they have anything to offer outside of academia. PhDs should be compensated fairly. To have salary security. Many PhDs feel like…

Powerful Ways To Communicate Your PhD Value To Employers

Monday September 27, 2021

Join Isaiah he reveals the powerful ways in which PhDs can communicate their value to employers and get hired into top industry careers Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why PhDs need to communicate their value to the employersNext, Isaiah reveals which skills are valued by employersFinally, Isaiah describes the powerful ways PhDs can communicate their value to their employers From This Week’s Show… Why PhDs Need To Learn To Communicate Their Value To Employers Communicating your value is indispensable for getting hired. As a PhD you must know how to communicate your skills that you’ve gained during your PhD to employers. The biggest gap that PhDs have is being unsure how to position themselves for industry. How to communicate PhD values, skills, qualifications? It’s difficult if you are not sure if you’re valuable outside of academia. A lot of this comes down to the language that you’re using. PhDs have a sense of imposter syndrome. Unsure if they have anything to offer outside of academia, and how to articulate it.  PhDs are the top 2% of the population in terms of education. And you’re just comparing yourself to other PhDs who might excel relative…

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