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PhD Transition Report Podcast

Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Isaiah Hankel, PhD
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

The premier podcast by industry PhDs. With thousands of monthly listeners, the Cheeky Scientist PhD Job Search Report podcast is dedicated to helping PhDs transition into their first or next industry position. Every episode provides leading edge insights on how PhDs can avoid career failure and job search rejections, and instead attract hiring managers and recruiters to get hired into top industry jobs. Recent shows cover industry resumes, LinkedIn profiles, creating a job search strategy, identifying surging career tracks and avoiding dead end career tracks, successfully preparing for and passing phone screens, video interviews and site visits, and much more. This show features top industry PhDs in 50+ different industry positions. Subscribe now and listen.


11 Most Emotionally Draining Parts Of Your Job Search

Monday December 19, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why PhDs in sales positions make perfect sense for any type of business in industry. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah dismisses the idea that PhDs are overqualified or ill-suited for sales roles Next, he examines the skills and strengths that make PhDs in sales positions so successful Finally, Isaiah explains that you don’t need any additional training – you already have all the skills you need to succeed in this in-demand career From This Week’s Show… You Don’t Need Sales Experience To Succeed In Sales Once upon a time, many companies were hesitant to hire PhDs for sales positions. But this is no longer the case. That’s because products, particularly in the medical and biotech fields, are increasingly more complex. This means companies are in greater need of people with technical expertise. After all, how is someone supposed to sell something they don’t understand? That’s why PhDs are particularly well-suited to sell drugs, reagents treatments, software, instruments, and other equipment and devices. PhDs In Sales Only Need To Believe In The Product They’re Selling To Excel The most important part of being an effective sales professional is believing in what…

Employers Give PhDs A Failing Grade On Job Search Skills

Friday December 16, 2022

Join Isaiah as he examines PhD job search skills, employer expectations and how the two can meet in the middle. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah compares how PhDs rate their own job search skills on scale of 1 to 5 Next, he shares how that number compares to the score employers would give a PhD’s resume and interview performance Finally, Isaiah shares where the disconnect lies between a PhD’s perception of their job search skills and reality From This Week’s Show… Surveys Reveal That Most PhDs Have Awful Resumes There’s a serious disconnect between how most PhDs think they’re doing in their job search and how they’re actually doing. A recent survey of more than 1600 PhDs who were engaged in a job search over a 6-month period found that 80% of those surveyed had no idea what job they even wanted. How can you possibly succeed in your job search if you don’t even know what you want? You can’t hit a target you don’t set. There’s no way to measure your progress if you don’t have any clear goals.  In the same survey, these PhDs were also asked to rank their industry resume…

Scary Academic Statistics PhDs Should Know

Wednesday December 14, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explores startling academic statistics surrounding PhD graduates and their career outlooks. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah touches on surprising academic statistics about PhDs and their career outcomes after graduation Next, he identifies the misconceptions PhDs have about what it takes – and how long it takes – to start their industry career Finally, Isaiah covers the 2 most important things you need to do to keep from becoming another academic statistic From This Week’s Show… Academic Statistics Paint A Bleak Picture Of The Future For PhD Graduates In the last two years, data from 1600 PhDs were collected over a 6-month period. Among those included, 34% said they were currently graduate students, 27% reported being in postdoc positions, and nearly a quarter said they were unemployed. Only a small sliver of PhDs were principal investigators or professors, and a mere 7% were working in industry.  What should be obvious from this data is that most PhDs were either in low-paying temporary positions or were unemployed. Very few were in industry, and even fewer were in higher academic positions. So, the question is: where do you want to be? Now? Five years…

What Industry Employers Really Think Of PhDs

Monday December 12, 2022

Join Isaiah as he busts the myths, misconceptions and biases that PhDs in industry are faced with in their job search. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah examines some of the biggest myths about biases PhDs have been warned about in their industry job search Next, he considers what industry employers really think about PhD candidates Finally, Isaiah offers tips on how to position yourself as a lifelong learner and lean into the advantages of your education From This Week’s Show… Don’t Let Misconceptions About What Employers Think Of PhDs Hold You Back In Your Industry Job Search Overqualified. Underqualified. Too independent. Lifetime academic. Unemployable. These are all terms PhDs have been called by others… or so the story goes. But is that what industry employers truly think? That all PhDs are entitled know-it-alls that can’t be taught new things and cost too much to hire? That’s certainly what we’re led to believe in academia. And, as a result, many PhDs don’t apply for positions outside of academia. Sadly, they think they’re not wanted. But the reality is, industry employers have always sought out PhDs. Today, I’m going to discuss a few myths about what industry…

Negotiate A Higher Starting Salary

Friday December 9, 2022

Join Isaiah as explains what PhDs need to do and say to negotiate a higher starting salary in industry positions. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah stresses that it’s up to PhDs to negotiate a starting salary they deserve Next, he lists strategies you can use that will help you negotiate a salary that you and your employer will both be happy with Finally, Isaiah offers some specific phrases that you can use verbatim to give you the upper hand after you receive an offer letter From This Week’s Show… To Negotiate Your Salary, You First Need To Know Your Worth Negotiating salary can feel like a high-stakes chess game. You, as the job candidate, quietly anticipate the employer’s next move… …and the employer carefully assesses what salary you’re willing to settle for.  It’s very common for PhDs to feel overwhelmed by the salary negotiation process. As a result, many sabotage their chances of getting paid what they deserve. This is especially true of PhDs entering industry for the first time. Academia has a way of distorting a person’s view of salary. The key to avoid accepting less than you’re worth is to know your worth…

Resume Tips For A Career In Transition

Wednesday December 7, 2022

Join Isaiah as he shares what you can do to address gaps in your resume and changes in your career trajectory. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah breaks down why your resume needs to be a coherent story, not just a list of accomplishments and experience Next, he considers the unique challenge of adapting your resume when there’s a transition in your career trajectory Finally, Isaiah lists the ways you can deal with this gracefully and create a consistent, compelling resume From This Week’s Show… Much like a novel, your resume must tell a good story to receive recognition. You have mere seconds to capture the attention of a hiring manager. If your resume isn’t a coherent story of clear, long-standing goals and consistent pursuits, it may result in confusion, and ultimately, send your resume packing. For some PhDs, continuity and consistency isn’t a problem. But what if you have to change directions, or your PhD doesn’t reflect your current career goals? Maybe you’ve become unexpectedly unemployed or decided to focus on family for a while. No matter the reason, during times of transition, self-worth can take a blow. That’s because it forces you to alter…

Make Networking Feel Less Awkward

Monday December 5, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explores ways to make your networking efforts feel more valuable and your connections feel more genuine. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah examines why networking feels like a chore Next, he explains why some professional bonds feel stronger than others Finally, Isaiah offers a few alternatives to traditional in-person networking strategies From This Week’s Show… I think we can all agree that events solely focused on networking can be painful and awkward. They also result in weaker professional relationships. That’s because these events don’t foster activities or interactions that promote a strong bond. The most tried-and-true way of establishing meaningful connections is through commonality: a common goal, or a common interest. Research has shown that strong professional relationships are founded through high-stake scenarios. For example, two people are tasked with completing a project together. When people work together on something they’re relying on each other for support. Now, you not only have a shared interest, but a shared experience. Consider Less Conventional Opportunities For Networking To establish strong professional relationships, look beyond events solely focused on networking. Join the board of a non-profit, organize a fundraising event, attend local hackathons. It may…

"Oh Sh*t!" Interview Questions

Friday December 2, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains how being wary of networking is crippling your job search. Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah acknowledges that, yes, networking can be uncomfortable. But it’s not a necessarily evil – it’s an invaluable tool that you must wield in your industry job searchNext, Isaiah discusses a few things that introverts can do to make networking less painfulFinally, Isaiah reveals how to turn new connections into valuable additions to your career network From This Week’s Show…  Being An Introvert Is At The Root Of Your Aversion To Networking Let’s face it – the majority of PhDs hate talking with strangers and are suspicious of networking. Why’d this person reach out to me? What’s their ulterior motive? If you’re suspicious of networking and small talk makes your skin crawl, it’s time to understand that your avoidance is hurting your industry job search. But there’s a reason companies in Silicon Valley create large campuses designed to create daily run ins with people across departments – it’s these serendipitous moments that spark innovation and collaboration. Putting yourself out there, meeting new people from a variety of backgrounds, and creating moments of connection are the best…

Network Like You Mean It

Wednesday November 30, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains how changing your mindset makes your network more meaningful Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses how the attitude you have about your network and networking may be what’s holding you back in your job searchNext, Isaiah explains that your introverted tendencies may be causing you to come across as fake Finally, Isaiah reveals that the key to tap into your network is to reevaluate yourself and your values From This Week’s Show…  Shift Your Mindset To Transform Your Networking Efforts When you hear the word “networking,” what immediately comes to mind? If you’re like a lot of PhDs, the idea of networking conjures up negative emotions such as dread, anxiety, and hopelessness. But what if I told you that it’s possible to turn what seems like an inherently dreadful experience into a positive one – simply with a shift in attitude? Does Networking Feel Like An Opportunity Or An Obligation? In psychology terms, there are two types of people when it comes to networking. There are those that have a “promotion” mindset, and those that have a “prevention” mindset. People who have a “promotion” mindset view building and nurturing their…

3 Workplace Benefits In Industry

Monday November 28, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains the many benefits that industry has and why it’s different from your academic experience Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah shares why industry has more benefits than academia Next, Isaiah reveals how the collaborative work you will do in industry will make you successful in your careerFinally, Isaiah explains the benefits of having explicit measures of success – something you will find in industry, but not academia From This Week’s Show…  Why Industry Has More Benefits Than Academia Only 2% of the population ever attempts to get a PhD – that’s because pursuing a PhD is tough. For most PhDs, it is the most challenging thing they’ll ever do. While the pursuit of a PhD is hard enough on its own, many PhDs are burdened with a supervisor who overworks them – or even bullies them. A recent survey conducted by Nature found that 24% of graduate students said they’ve experienced bullying, and of those, nearly half cited their supervisor as the most frequent perpetrator. The survey also found that 57% of grad students who had been bullied didn’t feel like they could discuss their situation for fear of the consequences.…

You Don't Need A Letter Of Recommendation

Friday November 25, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains why a letter of recommendation from your advisor isn’t needed to land a job in industry Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah shares how helpless he felt because he thought he needed his advisor’s support to get into industryNext, Isaiah reveals why industry professionals lean on company referrals, and not recommendations, when deciding who to hireFinally, Isaiah explains why finding a job in industry is up to you, and not your academic advisor From This Week’s Show…  Don’t Let Your Fear Take The Reins When Looking To Leave Academia Behind When it came time to find a job in industry, I felt totally alone. The university didn’t have any resources and my academic advisor was out of touch with the real world. Not only that, but my relationship with my advisor had completely disintegrated – to the point where he was doing everything in his power to keep me from graduating. Towards the end of my PhD, I was in pure panic mode. I wanted out of the academic system, but I didn’t know how to do it without anyone’s help. My advisor certainly wasn’t going to give me the positive…

Challenges You'll Face In Industry

Wednesday November 23, 2022

Join Isaiah as he describes the surprising ways industry poses challenges for PhDs first entering industry Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why you should walk into your first industry position prepared to spend time adjusting to a new environment Next, Isaiah discusses why onboarding is a challenge for many PhDs coming from academia Finally, Isaiah reveals how your academic mindset will hold you back in industry and what to do about it From This Week’s Show…  Why Entering Industry Is Like Traveling To a Foreign Country Like you, a lot of PhDs dream of the greener pastures offered by the industry career. You’ve likely heard colleagues rant about how happy they are in their industry roles – and if we’re honest, the pay raise speaks for itself. But what many don’t recognize is that the transition into industry can be a major shock to the system. It’s like traveling to a foreign country where the language, culture, and food are entirely different from what you’re accustomed to. And so, like traveling to a foreign country, entering the land of industry often requires an adjustment. So today, I want to walk you through some of…

Undecided On An Industry Or Academic Career? Try This

Monday November 21, 2022

Join Isaiah as he discusses the many ways PhDs can pursue a career that bridges the gap between academia and industry Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah reveals 4 exciting career paths that place you on the bridge between academia and industry Next, Isaiah discusses one particular PhD-level career that facilitates the collaboration between universities and biopharmaFinally, Isaiah explains how the rise in R&D partnerships provide PhDs with many career options From This Week’s Show…  Exciting Career Paths That Bridge The Gap Between Industry And Academia As a PhD, do you feel like you’re at a crossroad, trying to decide whether to continue in academia or pursue a career in industry? Many PhDs find themselves in this position at least once in their career. If you’re hesitant to totally jump the academic ship, you might want to consider a career that bridges the gap between academia and industry. There are 4 types of industry-academic collaborations that PhDs can leverage to find a fulfilling career. One Career That Helps Facilitate Academia-Industry Collaborations The first one involves the licensing of university technologies. In 1980, the Bayh-Dole act was passed which enabled universities to commercialize their research. This opened…

Confusing Visas You Should Know About

Friday November 18, 2022

Join Isaiah as he describes the many flavors of visas PhDs can choose from when applying to their first industry job Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah reveals the key to landing an industry job as an international studentNext, Isaiah discusses the many visa options that international PhDs can choose from when applying for jobs in the U.S. Finally, Isaiah explains why sponsorship and visas are not seen as a barrier for employers when they really want to hire you From This Week’s Show…  How International PhDs Can Land An Industry Job Without Sacrificing Their Goals If you’re an international PhD working in the US, getting a job in industry can seem like an impossible feat. Companies often go for the so-called “easy hire” – the hire that doesn’t require navigating immigration law – which leaves many international PhDs at a competitive disadvantage. Getting hired in industry is hard enough without having to worry about hiring biases and visa processes. The paperwork alone can stop even the most determined PhD in their tracks. But as a PhD, you’ve already overcome so many barriers and obstacles – don’t let this final challenge defeat you. For many international…

Embrace The Power Of 'No'

Wednesday November 16, 2022

Join Isaiah as he describes the power of saying ‘no’ to asks that don’t help you reach your career objectives Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains how to reassess your priorities and determine time sinks that don’t help you reach your career objectives Next, Isaiah discusses how establishing accountability can help you learn the art of saying ‘no’Finally, Isaiah reveals the difference between big and small ‘no’s’ – and why you should prioritize the former From This Week’s Show…  To Get Out Of The Academic Grind, Start By Assessing Your Priorities Many PhDs wanting to transition into industry struggle to make time for their industry job search. This results in many PhDs placing their job search on the backburner – for months, if not years – all the while remaining in an academic position that makes them miserable. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a student, TA, seasoned postdoc, faculty member or part of the administration, prioritizing your job search is the only way to get out of the academic grind. At this point you may be thinking, “I already work well into the night, go to the lab or office on weekends, and completely ignore…

Do This When The Job Market Contracts

Monday November 14, 2022

Join Isaiah as he explains the way to get hired into industry, even when the job market is in contraction Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains what whispers of a recession mean for your industry job search Next, Isaiah reveals the key to remaining a competitive even when jobs become more scarce: a quality industry resumeFinally, Isaiah discusses the skills that speak volumes to hiring managers and should be included on your resume From This Week’s Show…  Recession Proof Your Job Search, Starting With Your Resume If you’re a PhD and you’re dreaming of a job an industry, but haven’t made the move, you better do it soon – and fast. The job market is shifting, and the whispers about a recession are becoming louder. Getting hired is hard work – during a recession, it’s even harder. So, today, I want to show you how to recession proof your job search, starting with your resume. Why Networking Is Extra Important During A Job Market Contraction Before you start sending your resume out en masse, you have to connect with those that will help you in your job search. And in today’s remote world, everyone is…

Recession Proof Your Job Search (4 Tactics)

Friday November 11, 2022

Join Isaiah as he covers 4 job search tactics proven to get PhDs hired into industry even during a recession Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why a fluctuating job market means you need to get hired into industry now Next, Isaiah reveals two key attributes that will impress employers during uncertain timesFinally, Isaiah discusses why you should broaden your industry job search and consider positions that are known to be recession-proof From This Week’s Show…  The Worrisome Impact Of A Fickle Economy On Your Industry Job Search A year ago, the job market was bursting at the seams. In the wake of the Great Resignation, employers were eager to bolster their emaciated post-pandemic workforce and evergreen entrepreneurs were looking for new talent. But now, the job market is shifting once again. Companies are feeling the weight of the fickle economy, and in response, they’re shutting down their hiring efforts. They have a game plan in place and it’s certainly not one that benefits you, the job seeker. That’s why, the time to get hired into industry is now. The key is to shield yourself from the changes that will negatively affect you while also…

6 Management Styles That PhDs Must Master

Wednesday November 9, 2022

Join Isaiah as he describes the top management styles you can expect to encounter in industry (and which ones are successful) Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah explains why PhDs should know common management styles before walking into an industry interview Next, Isaiah describes three management styles that work in a variety of company environments Finally, Isaiah further reveals two management styles that you can expect to encounter in industry From This Week’s Show…  Why PhDs Should Be Thinking About Their Management Style Before An Interview “What is your management style?” This interview question floors a lot of PhDs because most don’t even know what management styles exist. Yet, management experience is always desirable, no matter the industry job. That’s because, in most industry positions, you’ll be managing projects, people, timelines, and budgets. The problem is, many PhDs don’t put management experience on their resume, or they don’t mention it in interviews, because they don’t think they have any. But this isn’t true. In academia, you likely managed multiple projects, mentored students, balanced research with classwork, and organized meetings. Despite not having the “manager” title, you were doing just that throughout your PhD and beyond. So,…

4 Happiness-Inducing Remote Careers

Monday November 7, 2022

Join Isaiah as he describes 4 rewarding remote careers that PhDs can pursue all while working from their home office Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah reveals why remote work is here to stay and what benefits PhDs can enjoy while working remotely Next, Isaiah describes two careers in writing/editing and consulting that provides PhDs with challenging and rewarding careers Finally, Isaiah explains that PhDs can also pursue project management and clinical work, all while working in their home office From This Week’s Show…  Why Remote Work Is The New Norm (And Here To Stay) The last few years have changed how we work. For many industry employees, long gone are the days of long commutes, long hours away from home, and on-site distractions. Remote work has become the new norm, and people like it. In fact, 9 out of 10 employees that are currently working remotely at least part of the time say they want to continue with remote work. The numbers also show that remote and hybrid workers are happier and more likely to remain in their jobs longer. So, what kind of happiness-inducing remote careers can PhDs pursue? From Writing To Consulting -…

3 Gnarly R&D Interview Questions

Friday November 4, 2022

Join Isaiah as he covers 3 common hard-hitting R&D interview questions PhDs can expect to encounter and how you should answer Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah discusses the reason many employers ask hard-hitting R&D interview questions Next, Isaiah provides 3 questions that PhDs can expect to encounter during their R&D interviews Finally, Isaiah explains what employers are looking for in your answers to these tough questions From This Week’s Show…  The Sly Ways Employers Trip Up PhDs During An R&D Interview Employers know which interview questions trip up PhDs and they want to see how you respond. This is especially true when interviewing for a role in research & development. Today, I’m going to review 3 hard-hitting questions that PhDs are likely to encounter during an R&D interview. Demonstrate That You Know Common Industry Adages The first is “How is your research impacted when you’re put under pressure?” When they ask this, they’re not looking for “pretty good” or “not so great”. They want to know that you don’t see yourself as a student or trainee anymore; that you can handle high stakes pressure. In response, you could say “I deal with pressure by assessing…

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