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PhD Transition Report On-Demand

Hosted By

Isaiah Hankel
Isaiah Hankel
Chief Executive Officer Cheeky Scientist

The premier podcast by industry PhDs. With thousands of monthly listeners, the Cheeky Scientist Radio podcast is dedicated to helping PhDs transition into their first or next industry position. Every episode provides leading edge insights on how PhDs can avoid career failure and job search rejections, and instead attract hiring managers and recruiters to get hired into top industry jobs. Recent shows cover industry resumes, LinkedIn profiles, creating a job search strategy, identifying surging career tracks and avoiding dead end career tracks, successfully preparing for and passing phone screens, video interviews and site visits, and much more. This show features top industry PhDs in 50+ different industry positions. Subscribe now and listen.


How Perfectionism Is Crushing Your Job Search

Wednesday April 19, 2023

Join Isaiah as he explains why perfectionism is a double-edged sword, and how to keep your high standards from sabotaging your job search Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah identifies a few clues that you might be letting your high standards sabotage your job search Next, he explains how to start reevaluating what success looks like in your PhD job search Finally, Isaiah shares strategies PhDs can turn to to make their high standards work for them instead of slow them down From This Week’s Show… Are Your High Standards Synonymous With Low Job Search Productivity? Ever wonder why some people say “you’re such a perfectionist” like it’s a bad thing?  You have a PhD and you have very high standards for yourself.  But could your perfectionist habits be sabotaging your job search?  It’s easy to think that the benefits outweigh the pitfalls of perfectionism, but today I’m going to ask you to consider if any of these scenarios describe you.  Can time management be a struggle for you because you often don’t think your work is “good enough” to ever be done?  Do you ever feel like other people are frustrated by your expectations of…

Shake Up Your Job Search With These Unconventional Hacks

Monday April 17, 2023

Join Isaiah as he breaks down unconventional job search techniques if you’re not seeing results Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah discusses what’s not working in your job search Next, he does a deep dive into the techniques that can make you stand out to employers Finally, he wraps up with a small script you can use while following up on applications From This Week’s Show… Has Your Job Search Felt Stale And Stifling For Too Long? Do you feel completely invisible to employers? Is it time to shake things up? Start your search from the outside in. Research sectors of industry that you’re interested in, and then research companies within those sectors. Once you’ve found a few companies that you feel excited about – in other words, you like what they stand for and feel your values align with theirs – identify people working for that company and connect with them on LinkedIn. Only 1 – 2% Of Job Seekers Try This Practice Which Makes It Unique Calling a hiring manager directly. Reaching out to an HR professional or a recruiter at a target company by phone could help you break through the masses by…

Not A Big Networker? Try These Painless Strategies 

Friday April 14, 2023

Join Isaiah as he identifies a few ways you can break into networking if traditional methods feel stale Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah discusses some of the common hangups PhDs have about networking Next, he identifies a few alternatives that PhDs can turn to that leverage their personal interests to make meaningful connections Finally, Isaiah reminds PhDs that networking is an important part of their job search, allowing them to increase connections and create opportunities where none existed before From This Week’s Show… You’re Not Alone If The Idea Of Networking Sounds Ulcer-Inducing The job market is contracting, which means it’s time to start networking more than you have been.  If the word networking makes you cringe, you’re not alone. Introversion and busyness are the #1 and #2 reasons PhDs list as why they can’t network effectively.  If the idea of attending a conference and rubbing elbows with industry leaders seems too ambitious to start with, don’t stress… there are other impactful ways to build network connections than the convention circuit or cold contacting people on LinkedIn.  Try One Of These 3 Networking Strategies To Help You Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone One of…

Don’t Let Entitlement Cost You The Job

Wednesday April 12, 2023

Join Isaiah and hear about how keeping your ego and sense of entitlement in check is crucial if you want to succeed in industry Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah explains that employees with a strong sense of entitlement lead to tangible loss at companies, and employers avoid them at all costs Next, he examines a few ways that PhDs can, sometimes accidentally, come across as egotistical Finally, Isaiah gives PhDs a few counter behaviors they can use to make sure they aren’t coming across as self-serving or full of yourself From This Week’s Show… There’s A Difference Between A Sense Of Entitlement And Confidence Insecurity and self-doubt rank the highest among the personal setbacks that nearly every PhD deals with.  But there’s a flip side to that coin – feeling entitled to a job, better pay or success in general.  It might sound like, at worst, a personality flaw, right?  Well, there’s actually a landmark study that suggests businesses can quantify the toll that entitlement can take on their bottom line. People who feel entitled tend to focus on self-optimization, not collective growth.  They disrupt the flow of business and waste company time and resources.…

Alternative Ways To Say “I’m Sorry” Without Losing Your Reputation

Monday April 10, 2023

Join Isaiah as he breaks down the best ways to keep your reputation intact if you’re a chronic apologizer Here’s a rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah covers some of the reasons you may be a chronic apologist coming from academia Next, he covers why this is professionally holding you back and could have negative consequences Finally, Isaiah shows you how to handle work situations where an apology is necessary and how to move forward From This Week’s Show: When You Apologize, The Expression Allows You To Take Ownership Of A Mistake And Express Remorse We all have to apologize sometimes but if “I’m sorry” becomes a common expression for you as an adult, it can have some negative connotations that impact how others see you. This is especially problematic among PhDs. And while this nervous tic may seem harmless, it has the power to sabotage your reputation throughout your job search and career. This simple expression demonstrates to others that you are a person who seeks reassurance. If you say it before you share a thought or opinion, you’re undermining whatever you say that follows. Saying “I’m sorry” says that you lack confidence; that you seek approval from…

Choosing The Better Of Two Great Job Offers

Friday April 7, 2023

Join Isaiah for a look at determining which job offers are best for you when you have more than one to choose from Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah shares that benefits are a truly valuable part of analyzing the value of your job offers in industry Next, he encourages PhDs to consider the company culture and atmosphere that each job offers Finally, Isaiah urges PhDs to weigh the pros and cons of their highest-priority data points to choose between two job offers From This Week’s Show… Benefits Are An Important Consideration When It Comes To Competing Job Offers Imagine this: you wake up tomorrow and check your email. There’s not one but two incredible offers from two companies that you’d love to work for.  That’s the dream, right? It would be amazing if you could take both. Instead, you’re faced with the nerve-racking decision to walk away from one and start a new journey with the other.  When this happens, the first thing you’ll want to consider are the benefits being offered.  A company’s healthcare program costs and what it covers has an immediate impact on what your true salary will be. If the package…

5 Phrases Employers Hate (Try To Never Say These)

Wednesday April 5, 2023

Join Isaiah as he puts seemingly harmless phrases under a microscope and examines why PhDs should actually avoid them at all costs Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah examines some seemingly innocuous phrases and expressions that can actually damage your reputation Next, he reveals the psychology behind these phrases and discusses how they impact your audience Finally, Isaiah shares what PhDs should say instead to come across as confident and capable. From This Week’s Show… Some Harmless Expressions And Phrases Are Actually A Turn-Off For Hiring Managers There are a few verbal expressions that research shows really turn off hiring managers.  These simple phrases have strong connotations that can paint you in a very unflattering light.  So, today we’re going to go over 5 of the big ones.  The first expression is “I have to.”  If, during an interview, you’re asked what your responsibilities are in your current role, instead of saying “I have to” or “I’m responsible for”, try saying “I get to” or “I was able to [if it’s a previous role].”  It’s just the difference of a few words, but there’s power in language.  One sounds like a complaint while the other sounds…

The Perfect Post-Interview Thank-You Email 

Monday April 3, 2023

Join Isaiah for a PhD-specific look at the thank-you email and discussion about how it can help clinch your next interview Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah shares one of the best ways to stand above other candidates after your final interview at any industry company Next, he covers a few ground rules or creating the best possible thank-you email if you’re a PhD Finally, Isaiah closes with a reminder about the call to action your thank-you email needs in order to be effective From This Week’s Show… The Percentage Of Job Seekers Who Don’t Send Thank-You Emails After An Interview Is Staggering If you think your industry interview is over once you walk out the door, think again.  According to TopResume, as many as 1 in 5 recruiters or hiring managers will dismiss a PhD candidate in industry that didn’t send a thank-you email.  Careerbuilder conducted a survey that revealed 57% of job seekers don’t send follow-up messages.  This means that sending a sincere thank-you email can help push you ahead of more than half of your competition.  So, what should be included in a thank-you email? Let’s go over the critical elements that make…

Advanced Negotiation Strategies For Salary Caps 

Friday March 31, 2023

Join Isaiah for a masterclass in negotiation strategies that all PhDs need to know about before they accept a salary in industry Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah explains PhDs are doing themselves a major disservice by choosing not to negotiate their starting salary and benefits Next, he presents a few scenarios that PhDs may find themselves in during the hiring process and offers savvy tactics for negotiating Finally, Isaiah moves past helpful scripts PhDs can use and addresses some scenarios that can provide leverage during negotiation From This Week’s Show… Salary Negotiations Are Absolutely An Expected Part Of The Hiring Process I think every PhD will agree – negotiating is painful.  For many, it feels so uncomfortable that they avoid it altogether. At most, they avoid preparing for it. So, if you’re still nervous about having “The Talk” with a potential employer, then get ready to take notes.  Today, I’ll tell you exactly what to say in a high-stakes salary conversation so you can walk away earning the wage you deserve in an industry job that you love.  When negotiating, attitude is the key to success.  Remember, you’re still auditioning for the job, even once…

Counter With $112,575, Not $112,000. Here’s Why…

Wednesday March 29, 2023

Join Isaiah and learn why negotiating is not just advisable but expected for PhDs in today’s competitive job market Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First, Isaiah explains that negotiating your starting salary is the new norm Next, he assures PhDs that employers are expecting a counter to their initial offer Finally, Isaiah takes a look at some of the most effective ways PhDs can deflect the salary conversation to give themselves the upper hand in negotiations From This Week’s Show… Negotiating A Salary Is Never Easy – Especially For PhDs Imagine you’re an employer offering a new hire the minimum salary listed on the job posting.  You’re not expecting that job candidate to say, “Yes! I’ll take it!” right?  No – of course not.  You’re expecting any candidate who knows their value – who is valuable –  to negotiate.  Unfortunately, many PhDs don’t negotiate – because they’ve never worked for money so they’re not used to asking for more money. Especially when an offer is more money than they’ve ever been given.  We’re talking about negotiating a salary that gets you paid what you’re worth, while also striking a balance; one that makes both you and your…

Don’t Shortchange Yourself $7,500 A Year

Monday March 27, 2023

Join Isaiah for a no-nonsense look at the money conversation from why employers expect you to negotiate to understanding your worth as a PhD Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s episode: First Isaiah walks us through the statistics of what you’re losing financially by not negotiating a higher salary Next, he covers how to approach a salary offer and look beyond just financial compensation Finally, Isaiah wraps up with what potential employers expect when it comes to a salary negotiation From This Week’s Show… By not negotiating for a higher salary when starting a new position, you can end up drastically underpaid. And if you consider that this has a compounding effect, you could be leaving over $1 million on the table over the course of a 40-year career. You worked hard to gain the skills, expertise, and experience that are in demand by industry employers – you deserve to be paid accordingly. No employer is going to rescind a job offer because you asked to negotiate your salary. If, by some crazy chance, an employer does rescind a job after a negotiation attempt, most likely, it’s because that candidate handled the discussion poorly. While You Want to be…

3 Off-The-Wall Interview Questions Employers Love To Ask

Friday March 24, 2023

Join Isaiah as he gives away the perfect responses to unconventional interview questions employers love to ask Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah explains why employers ask standard questions about your background and why they toss in a few zingers for good measure Next, he shares three specific off-the-wall questions employers as that they’re trying to challenge you with And finally, Isaiah gives you examples you can answer with to show employers you are the well-rounded candidate they’re looking for From This Week’s Show… Conventional interview questions are asked for a reason – they get information about the job candidate’s background, what skills they have, and why they want to work at that company in that particular position.  But many employers also love to ask off-the-wall questions just to see how you react and how you carry yourself in uncertain scenarios.  These types of questions help employers assess how you think and act under pressure, as well as what your true personality and professional behavior looks like.  Be Prepared For These 3 Unusual Interview Questions That Employers Ask to Throw You Off Guard The first question seems innocent enough, but your answer is actually a powerful…

Panicky Over A Trick Interview Question? Try This…

Wednesday March 22, 2023

Join Isaiah as he breaks down three of his favorite tactics to keep cool and composed in the face of a tough interview question Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah explores why PhDs in particular are prone to anxiety about how to answer a tricky interview question Next, Isaiah reassures that nerves are normal, but controlling them is how smart PhDs make a positive, memorable impression on hiring manages And finally, Isaiah shares three tactics PhDs can use if an interview question threatens to derail them From This Week’s Show… Don’t Let Nerves And An Unexpected Interview Question Derail You When it comes to industry interviews, knowing is half the battle.  What the set-up will be, what attire is appropriate, and what questions you’ll be asked – these are all things PhDs fret over in the days and hours before an interview.  In a survey conducted by The Muse, 88% of participants reported being most worried about the quality of their answers and/or having a memory lapse.  In other words, most people are afraid of messing up their answers to interview questions.  And for PhDs, these concerns are often amplified.  That’s because, let’s face it, as…

Are Employers Biased Against PhDs?

Monday March 20, 2023

Join Isaiah as he discusses (and busts) a common job-seeking myth: employer bias against higher ed candidates Here is a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First Isaiah covers where that bias may have come from over the years and the statistics that say you can beat it Next, he talks about why those misconceptions have stuck around so long and why Finally, Isaiah discusses what PhDs can offer employers and why your PhD makes you a prime candidate in industry From This Week’s Show… Finishing Your PhD Used To Be The Only Thing You Could Think About Now, you’re not even sure you should put it on your resume. Was it all a huge mistake? Has your degree actually foiled your chances for a career? You’ve heard that employers think PhDs just aren’t worth the trouble. They’ll want too much money. They have no real experience. They’re arrogant. But what do they really think? It’s true, there are some misconceptions about PhDs in the workforce. Maybe that’s why the number of PhDs in academia has eclipsed those in industry by more than 10% since the 1970s. But that recently changed by the way. Now there are more PhDs in…

How To Have “Big PhD Energy” Without Being Arrogant

Friday March 17, 2023

Join Isaiah as he breaks down why a PhD is an asset to employers when they can strike a balance between ego and confidence Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah discusses the difference between being confident and being egotistical Next, he takes a look at some of the ways that a healthy ego can help PhDs succeed in industry And finally, Isaiah explains how mastering the nuances of being confident can lead to greater success in industry, and even better pay From This Week’s Show… A Healthy Ego Can Be An Asset To You In Your PhD Job Search We’ve been taught that overconfidence should be avoided at all cost, especially in academia.  The concept of too much confidence being synonymous with negative traits – pompous, condescending, arrogant, self-obsessed – is a familiar one.  But today I’m going to explain why this line of thinking is incomplete.  The truth is that PhDs in particular should have very healthy levels of confidence. This is not a luxury; it is required to get hired into industry.  Look – there’s a difference between having a healthy sense of self-esteem and being a blowhard.  Like anything, an unchecked ego can…

What Is Imposter Syndrome And How To Conquer It

Wednesday March 15, 2023

Join Isaiah as he explores the phenomenon of imposter syndrome and explains why it has real consequences for your PhD job search Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah discusses imposter syndrome and explains why it’s not just about self-esteem Next, Isaiah talks about some ways that PhDs are shortchanging themselves in their job search, and what consequences this has And finally, Isaiah explores some strategies smart PhDs can use to balance their destructive habits and thought processes with more constructive ones From This Week’s Show… Imposter Syndrome Is More Than Just Chronic Self-Doubt Is there a point where being humble and having high standards hurts you more than it helps you?  A recent review revealed that 82% of people report having self-doubt or are convinced of their own incompetence.  In industry and academia, this psychological phenomenon has a name – imposter syndrome.  We all have days where we question ourselves, but imposter syndrome is different. Imposter syndrome is distinguished by the anxiety that you’re always in danger of being “found out.” You believe you are always on the brink of being discovered for the failure that you know you are.  You may attribute your success or…

The STAR Technique For Answering Interview Questions

Monday March 13, 2023

Join Isaiah as he covers the STAR Technique, an interview method that helps PhDs navigate open-ended questions Here’s a rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah will walk you through an in-depth breakdown of the STAR Technique Next, he provides timely examples of what to incorporate into your interview Finally, he covers the value of direct story-telling to land the job you want From This Week’s Show… When Answering An Interview Question With The STAR Method, Start Your Response By Describing A Specific And Relevant Situation You can use an example from your current job, a previous job, education, personal experience, or any relevant event. Always choose a situation that demonstrates your most impressive results and is relevant to the role you are being interviewed for. This situation should involve a problem that you had to solve. Once You’ve Outlined The Situation, Describe Your Tasks In That Situation In One or Two Sentences Get specific about the problem. What part of the problem was yours to solve? What were your responsibilities and assignments related to the problem? What had to be done specifically? Next, you’ll need to discuss what actions you took to solve the problem. For an interviewer, the…

Create A Personal Website To Get Hired

Friday March 10, 2023

Join Isaiah as he explores when PhDs can benefit from having a personal website and how to create one for yourself Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah talks about why a personal website can help further cement your personal brand as a PhD looking to transition into industry Next, Isaiah explains some of the things you do (and don’t) want employers to see on your website And finally, Isaiah covers one important thing that every website needs to have in order to make a great impression on employers From This Week’s Show… A Personal Website Isn’t Always Necessary, But That Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Helpful When it comes to getting hired in industry, building a professional brand that companies care about is the key to success.  A great way for PhDs in industry to do this is to create a professional-looking website that showcases their work.  Websites are what employers turn to to gauge your ability to help them.  Forbes recently released a report indicating that 56% of employers favor candidates with a strong personal website.  In fact, they’re more impressed by a website than any other element of a job candidate’s profile.  Despite this, only…

3 Keys To Finally Interviewing Successfully

Wednesday March 8, 2023

Join Isaiah as he covers the three things that PhDs can do while interviewing to make a great impression on hiring managers Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode: First, Isaiah explains that making a good impression in interviews is a time-sensitive exercise Next, Isaiah talks about the importance of rehearsing what you’ll say and how you say it while you’re interviewing And finally, Isaiah breaks down the STAR method, a proven technique job candidates can turn to to help them make the most of open-ended interview questions From This Week’s Show… When It Comes To First Impressions, Time Is Of The Essence According to Undercover Recruiter, most hiring managers know in the first 90 seconds of an interview whether or not they plan to hire you.  This means that every second of the beginning counts.  The first interview blunder many PhDs make is not making a good first impression.  Interviewing can be nerve-wracking – I know this.  But the last thing you want to do is let your nerves take the reins.  Owning your in-person interview is about presenting yourself as the professional you are.  So, before stepping your foot in the door of your next in-person interview,…

The 4-Part Industry Hiring Funnel

Monday March 6, 2023

Join Isaiah as he breaks down the 4 parts of the hiring funnel in industry job searches and shares tips to help you breeze through Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s episode… First, Isaiah examines the four parts of a hiring funnel Next, he offers insight about tips and objectives for you, the job applicant, at each stage Finally, Isaiah wraps with a reminder that a clear job search strategy is key to making it from the widest to the narrowest part of the hiring funnel From This Week’s Show… A Job Search Strategy Is Key To Making It Through The Hiring Funnel Have you been searching for an industry job for months (or even years!) but encountered nothing except roadblocks and dead ends?  An industry job search can make you feel like a tourist in a strange city – you have a map to guide you, but you just can’t get to your destination.  And while a hard-to-read map can get you lost in a city, a hard-to-read hiring map will leave you lost and jobless. That’s why today, I want to give you a bird’s eye view of the industry hiring process and how you can navigate…

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